Quaker City Regatta


Many, many thanks for all your participation in the Quaker City Regatta this weekend!  Seems like the event was a great success. Entries were up just a little from recent years, the party was hopping, the weather, if not the algae, behaved, and we had lots of great races.

Thank you to all my volunteers and for all those that stepped up whenever they saw a need.  Every launch driver, parking attendant, dock helper, finish line worker, and registration person are what makes the whole day run smoothly.  

Huge thanks to Al Wachlin, not only for his usual work on the course, but for the last minute rescue of the channel on Friday night.  And to those that answered the urgent call for help, Red Sargent, Ryan Henry, Jim O'brien, and Little McCormick. It may not have looked like it, but they made a big dent in the debris.

Big thanks to Monica Bersani and Pete McNamara for feeding the hordes and throwing a great party. And thanks to T's band for setting the mood!

Thanks to Mike Murphy and our team of great referees.

And last but not least, John Willemin, who tolerated my perpetual questions so that I could pretend to know what I was doing.  

Congrats to everyone who raced.  Check out Micheal W Murphy's photos here.

Looking forward to next year,